Once school started, I stopped doing this. I plan to do it again this summer, but in the mean time I need to make sure my girls are continuing to learn about Jesus.
The girls have been asking questions about being a Christian and what that means.
I bought this little figurine on Christmas clearance.
I plan to leave it out year round as a reminder that Jesus was born for us and that he was born to die for our sins. I want them to not just think about Jesus being born at Christmastime, but all the time
I put the verse up on our door. Annabelle really likes it because she can read now and can point to the words as she reads them. John 3:16 is also on one of the girls GT and the Halo Express cd.
I also printed off the Wordless Book and these little Gospel Fuzzies that I found on Pinterest.
I am taking it slow with them. I don't want to throw a bunch at them at once that they are overwhelmed and confused. We read the verse and we talk about what it means.
When they are ready to ask Jesus into their hearts, I want them to know what it truly means. I don't want them to pray the prayer because that's what they think they are supposed to do. I am fine with them not doing it right away. I think it is so important that they know what it means to ask Jesus into their hearts.
Much of our focus this year will be on learning about Jesus being born, dying on the cross, and saving us from our sins.
I know that when they are ready to ask Jesus into their hearts, they will know exactly what it means and how much Jesus loves them.
Since today was a snow day, I was able to do some things with the girls.
We talked about our verse, did our Gospel fuzzies and wordless book, and made wordless bracelets.
We also did an activity to demonstrate how Jesus cleans the sins out of our hearts.
We had dirty pennies, which represented the sin in our hearts.
We put them in vinegar and salt, which represented Jesus.
And then we watched them come clean, which represented Jesus forgiving us.
I had the girls tell me about the Christmas story as well as the Easter story. They both did a really good job. Ariel got a little confused when I asked her who came to visit baby Jesus. She was stuck so I said, "The 3...." She said, "Little pigs." Right away she knew it wasn't right, but it was pretty cute.