This is part 2 of JJ and the Princess Girls. To see more activities, crafts, and princess girls visit part 1.

JJ and the Princess Girls

Saturday, August 18, 2012


We did Courage a couple weeks ago.
Our bible verse was

One of the activities we only half way completed.  It was making a paper poppy.  It had something to do with honoring soliders.  This was a little hard for the girls to understand and then we just ended up not making the flowers.  They had fun painting though.

We made a ship in the storm bottle.  We but blue water and oil along with some beads (for fish and boats).  Then we shook it up and watched it calm down.  We talked about how the disciples had to have courage and trust Jesus when they were on the boat in the storm. 

 There were a lot of bible stories that we talked about where people had to have courage.

A few weeks after we did this lesson, Ariel and I were playing mommy and daughter.  She said I had to go to school and I told her I needed her to come with me because I was scared.  She told me, "You don't have to be scared.  Just have courage and Jesus will be with you where ever you go.  You will be fine."  Just precious!

Annabelle had a situation the week we did courage and we were able to talk about how she needed to have courage and be brave and to remember that Jesus was with her even though she was scared.

When I am afraid I will trust in You.
Psalm 56:3

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