This is part 2 of JJ and the Princess Girls. To see more activities, crafts, and princess girls visit part 1.

JJ and the Princess Girls

Friday, March 8, 2013

Pin-spired Outfit

I'm not great at putting outfits together, but I have learned a lot since I started pinterest.

This is what I have learned:

1.  You don't really need to match
2.  A scarf makes any outfit look good
3.  A cardi also makes any outfit look good

I have fully embraced #2 and #3.  I have tried #1 a few times when I wore my stripe shirt with my leopard scarf.

I have 148 pins on my Outfit Inspiration board.  I have tried less than 10 of them.

I recently pinned this outfit and felt that I could create this outfit pretty easily.
It turned out to be much easier than I thought.  I got the pants and shirt at Meijer's (I never ever look at clothes there, but why not?  They are pretty cheap.)  I got the shoes at Younkers, and my accessories at Charlotte Russe.

This is what I came up with

 The back of the shirt is all lace-like so I wear a tank the same color as the shirt. 

I have a pair of pink pants that I will post about soon.


  1. You look beautiful! I love the mint paired with the nude, very pretty and very spring! You've inspired me to try this, thanks for sharing.

  2. First of all, you look fabulous! Second of all, you're absolutely right! You don't need to match and scarves and cardis improve almost any look. Thank you so much for linking up today!

  3. I really love the mint with the tan color! you look great!
    have a wonderful day!

  4. super cute!!! I have mint pants and LOVE them! Thanks for linking up!

  5. I'm definitely loving the "non-matching" trend. You look great, and your mint skinnies are adorable!

  6. I've wanted mint pants for a long time (I think they are one of the other colors I don't have). You've convinced me that I need them!
    Thanks for linking up!
    Sheaffer :)
