Awhile ago I noticed something weird going on with my hair.
I'm not the best at doing my hair, but I can calm it down.
I couldn't figure out what these frizzy pieces were doing or where they came from.
I finally realized that I had grown some bangs. Most people cut bans - but I had actually grown them.
From the beginning I had been straightening them so they would lay flat.
Apparently I had fried them and they just wanted to stick out.
I asked my hairstylist friend, Rebecca, what was going on.
She immediately knew that I had been straightening them.
I loved that she knew what was going on with my hair right away, so I went to her to get my hair trimmed.
It had been doing something really strange, and I couldn't get it to lay right.
I had gotten it cut at a really nice salon, but when Rebecca cut it she noticed that one side was 2 inches longer than the other. No wonder I was struggling to get it right.
She gave me some heat protector for my hair, so hopefully that will help.
My bangs have grown a little more now. I'm not a bang person, so I can't wait until I can tuck them behind my ear.